Nonstop Connections: Tips For Working at Home

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Covid-19 has forced many lifelong office workers to do something they’ve never really done before - work from home. 

This transition can be daunting, especially for those who favor having a clear “work-life balance.” 

Nonstop was founded just over two years ago, and from the beginning our company was built on remote work. Our team is filled with former office-goers who know firsthand what it’s like to make that transition. 

Get Your Space Right 

First and foremost, make sure you have an area in your house or apartment that’s a dedicated work space. We know it can be tempting to lounge on the couch or bed with your laptop, but trust us when we say that’s a dangerous road that often results in binge watching Netflix. Need some ideas on how to organize your work space? Check out our Instagram page -

Stay charged: There’s no better way to keep all your devices charged and within your reach than this desktop charging station complete with wireless charging and USB. Now selling -

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Keep a Schedule

Several of my friends and colleagues have shared with me that one of the biggest hurdles they’ve run into while working at home is not being able to “tune-out.” Typically after a day at the office you are relieved to get back to your house to relax and not think about work. But what happens when your house is the office? It becomes difficult to set a clear distinction between work and leisure as everything starts to blend together. 

One easy way to fix this is to set a work schedule and keep to it like you’re at the office. When 5:30 rolls around it’s okay to turn off the computer, unplug from email, and spend time with family away from work. In fact it’s not only okay, it’s the only way to keep yourself from getting burned out. 

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Music, not the TV

Would you watch TV at the office? (Well, maybe) Keeping your routine similar to what you would do at the office is essential to staying motivated and focused on your work. So do what you can to resist the urge to turn on Netflix and jam out to some tunes instead. 

Smart speakers are great and wireless earbuds with a mic are a must. Walk the dog and take a call at the same time.  bounce outside or to another room for quiet from the kids? Earbuds make it so much easier to multitask.

Boost Your Wellness

You may have heard of the Pomodoro technique.  It’s a task management regime that involves 25 minute focus blocks and 5 minute breaks and then after 4 blocks a longer 15-30 minute breaks.  My boss loves to blend this kind of work mode with his fitness/wellness goals. with this kind of schedule you can use breaks to stretch, yoga pose, meditate, jump rope, do planks or push ups or just get up and walk around the block. 

This wouldn’t work to well in most offices. But at home you’ve got the privacy to do what ever you want with your time. Don’t be anxious about using it. These breaks reduce stress and give your mind the space it needs to boost creativity.

Dress for (your version) of Success

The age old question when working from home - to pajama, or not to pajama?  This one can be tricky, and experts are split on if getting dressed up to work from home helps productivity or if it’s a waste of time. 

Personally, here at Nonstop we favor casual and cosy over formal ironed dress shirts and slacks. However, we believe it’s important to still go through the routine of getting dressed, even if you’re just putting on jeans and a t-shirt. Doing this helps your mind get ready for the task at hand and sets a clear line between relaxing and working.   

"It may have been something you took for granted before, but getting dressed for work is something that helps us so much on a daily basis,"

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Keep in (Voice) Touch

Even if the majority of your communication can be done via email, try and set a goal for yourself to call/video chat at least one person a day. While we believe this should be a normal routine in regular times, it becomes even more imperative given our current situation. We’re all going through a similar struggle, and being able to relate and share stories with your fellow co-workers can lead to long lasting relationships that go above and beyond work. 

Get a Routine

All of the above roles up into one key overarching strategy to be the best at home worker you can be - get and keep a routine. When you’re going to work, what do you typically do? Grab a coffee? Chat with co-workers? Go for a run? Whatever it may be, bringing those elements into your home office creates a sense of normalcy and helps to keep you focused. 


These are tough times indeed, but with modern technology we’ve never been more equipped to deal with a prolonged stint from working at home. Companies like Zoom and Slack make it easy to stay in contact with co-workers and loved ones. 

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