How Dirty Are Our Mobile Phones?

Guests mobile phones are among one of the dirtiest items brought into a hotel room. UV Station provides an efficient, reliable and automatic way to keep it a clean.

We use our phone for just about everything. Watching videos, playing games, staying in touch with friends, as a form of payment and numerous other useful activities. This also means that we’re constantly touching our phones - after we eat, use the restroom, hangout with friends, etc. It’s no secret that all these activities make our phones a breeding ground for germs - but just how bad is it? 

We won’t sugar coat it, it’s pretty bad. The typical mobile phone has over 25,000 bacteria per square inch. This is more bacteria than your kitchen counter, the doorknob, and most concerning - the toilet seat. 

As hotels around the world welcome guests back to their property, numerous cleanliness measures are being put in place to address these “high-germ” areas. But to really make guests feel comfortable, something HAS to be done about our mobile phones. That’s what the team at Nonstop has been working on. And we’re thrilled to announce the release of UV Station - a UV-C sanitation station that can disinfect mobile phones and other personal devices guests bring. Oh, and it’s also a wireless charger and clock.

Yeah, we’re pretty excited too. Learn More Here.