Clean and Charge with UV Station: The Ultimate Hotel Product

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We’ve spent a lot of time over the past few months talking about UV Station. Part of this is because we’re launching a new product, so of course we are focusing on educating our customers about the different features and problems it solves. 

But more than that, we are incredibly excited about how UV Station will be received by hotel guests around the country. We feel it’s right at the intersection of what guests are looking for. Why’s that? 

The Ultimate Hotel Product

Let’s think about it for a second. Obviously the Covid-19 Pandemic has made cleanliness the #1 concern for travelers in most parts of the world. (News flash, it was already one of the most important things, even before Covid) To help address this, hotels have been implementing all sorts of procedures to welcome guests back to their hotel. Most of these are behind the scenes - extra protocols for staff, more frequent cleanings, etc. Some of them are more obvious - UV robots, disinfecting baggage conveyor belts, etc. All of which are aimed at boosting the health and safety of guests and staff alike. 

UV Station was designed to be a key piece of this cleanliness strategy. It’s one of the only solutions that empowers both guests and staff to keep commonly touched items clean, through the use of UV-C disinfecting technology. Even more, it can serve as a “clean ambassador.” By adding a QR code to the optional branding card, hoteliers are able to better inform guests about everything they are doing to keep them safe. 

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So with cleanliness being the #1 most important thing for hotel guests, UV Station is off to a great start. 

However, where we think UV Station truly separates itself from other solutions, is the fact that it can do more than just clean devices. 

In 2021, guests’ phones have become even more important than they were before the pandemic started. Why’s that? Just take a look at your favorite restaurant, cafe or bar; QR codes are everywhere, and at many places, it’s the only way you can view what is on the menu. Additionally, as we try to reduce face to face contact, guests are relying on their phone to text the hotel staff, make reservations, request room service, and much more. As a hotelier, if you want to maximize your guests experience, it’s crucial that their phone is always charged, clean and ready for use. 

With UV Station, guests are given three different ways to charge. Either via the Qi Wireless Charging Stand, or either of the two USB Ports. Because we opted for a wireless charging stand versus a traditional pad, it makes it even easier for guests to interact with their phone while it’s charging.

So, If guest’ phones are more important than ever, and UV Station not only cleans, but also charges those phones, then don’t you think this is a solution that belongs in your hotel?

Don’t overthink it. Get UV Station today: