UV Station  helps hotel staff by providing an efficient, automatic and effective clean on some of the dirtiest items in the guest room

How UV Station Helps Hotel Staff

The new cleanliness initiatives, while absolutely a necessity, are no doubt putting a lot of extra pressure on hotel personnel around the world. From extensive training programs, to completely new procedures and much more, most hotel staff are having to learn new things on the fly. 

One department that is at the forefront of this transition is Housekeeping, as they are responsible for keeping the hotel - especially guestrooms - clean and ready for the next guests use. 

Indeed, housekeeping will have a ton on its plate over and above what was typically required pre-pandemic. For example, Hilton’s “CleanStay” program specifies 10 areas in the guestroom that will now require housekeeping to do a deep cleaning. These areas include the remotes, clocks, light switches and more. 

While all of the areas mentioned in the deep clean are important, one that we believe stands out is the remote - which was found by Time Magazine to be the dirtiest item in the hotel room. 

We believe this is the case for two reasons: 

  1. Simply put, A LOT of different hands touch the remote

  2. It’s really hard to clean 

Let’s focus on #2. Other high touch items like light switches, sinks, tables, etc, are relatively easy to wipe down and keep clean. The remote, however, has tons of crevices that are hard to clean and act as an ideal hangout spot for germs. This isn’t new. It’s this EXACT problem that led to the Clean Remote. Which unique design makes it easier to wipe down and claims to carry 99% less germs than other remotes. 

With UV Station, there’s no need for the staff to worry about cleaning each and every section of the remote. All Housekeeping needs to do is drop it in the UV compartment, press the start button, and in 5 minutes the remote has been completely disinfected by 99.999%.

Easy, right? Housekeeping can even work on other parts of the room while the remote is disinfecting. 

There’s no way around the extra burden that hotel staff will be faced with to ensure guests feel safe and comfortable. Which is why solutions like UV Station are so important. Not only does it make the lives of Housekeepers a little easier, but it also ensures consistent cleanliness each and every time.